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The Power of Community

A Grassroots Mobilization Tool

By: Jessica Jane Robinson

April 13th, 2020

There is a saying we are a movement by ourselves, but we are a force when we are together. That is the basic concept for utilizing the Earth Warrior Carbon Calculator feature that allows its users to create communities.

The community feature has a Parent Affiliation category that allows the user to track their environmental impact on various levels.

For example, a principal, teacher, or green team parent could create a community as the school and make it their Parent Affiliate Community. For this example, we will call this school Resilience Academy.

The user could then create other communities that represent all the classrooms in the school and name those communities by their room number. When creating classroom communities, the user can select their school, Resilience Academy, as their parent account.

When the classroom designates the school as the parent account, their action statistics add to the academy’s overall stats. For example, if Resilience Room-1, has done 20 sustainable actions totaling to 2 carbon metric tons avoided from the atmosphere, the Resilience Academy (the parent account), will also have those numbers reflected in its overall stats (20 activities, two carbon metric tons). If Resilience Room-2, has done 25 sustainable activities, and three carbon metric tons avoided from the atmosphere, those stats will combine in the Resilience Academy community profile. With both classrooms sharing their stats through the parent account feature, the Resilience Academy will then show that the whole school has taken 45 sustainable actions, and avoided five-carbon metric tons, which is both classroom stats added together.

The user can then add another layer by allowing the classroom to track specific class projects or call to actions, that will then add to the tree branch feature. Resilience Room-1 can create a community for a call to action called Walking 1-Week Challenge, where all the students log the miles they walked to school, home, and other places. Walking 1-Week Challenge would make Resilience Room-1, its parent account, giving Room-1 credit. By the end of the week, Walking 1 -Week Challenge has a total of 40 miles recorded and two carbon metric tons avoided (please note, these numbers figurative and not actual analogies). Room-1 stats would then be 20 activities, 40 miles recorded, four carbon metric tons avoided.

What makes this even more powerful, Room-1, is a parent account for the Walking Challenge, and the Resilience Academy is the parent of Room-1. So the Resilience Academy stats will also grow to 45 sustainable actions, 40 miles traveled, seven carbon metric tons avoided (the total of Room-1 and Room-2).

The parent, sub parent feature allows users to see how much of an impact they can make individually, and when joined with others, the actions and results multiply when they are combined. The parent feature allows the user to narrow in on their contributions and zoom out to the bigger picture. The call to action is like a leaf, the classroom is the branch, and the academy is the tree. The Resilience Academy stats are a bird’s eye view, and we can analyze the numbers more closely by looking into the linked community numbers separately.

To summarize, the power of the community allows the user to see how much influence they have as an individual, and joining others allows this to grow. We are stronger when we are united together!

You can start today by creating your free account on the Resilience Birthright, Earth Warrior Carbon Calculator, and start tracking your sustainable choices and be a part of making our planet a better home for the next generations to come.

Sign up for your free account at:

Learn more about the Earth Warrior Carbon Calculator
How to enter your sustainable actions video :


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